Mystery Hill & The Underwood family would like to welcome Dr. Rozwell to Mystery Hill! Dr. Roz is an acclaimed archaeologist and lover of the stars. He and his team of researchers have partnered with us to help create a daytime fall celebration in honor of the return of the Hudson Artifact. Guests are invited to spend a day filled with games, activities and special surprises. Perfect for those of any age.
Guests with Ultimate Adventure and Ultimate PLUS Adventure Packages will receive free admission to the Extraterrestrial Carnival, plus free entry tokens. These ticket-holders can add the “Attack on the Hill” after-hours horror event for 1/2 price.
Ultimate PLUS Adventure Package ticket-holders will also be eligible to upgrade the bucket at Prospector Hill to a “Hazard Bucket” for $5.
All visitors can purchase separate tickets to the Space Cube Experience and Intergalactic Alien Target Practice.
This event takes place on Friday, Saturday, and Sundays from 9/23 – 10/31.