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Karin Neuvirth at Artists in Residence

July 17 @ 10:00 am - July 23 @ 5:00 pm

Free Entry

Edgewood Cottage

115 Ginny Stevens Ln.
Blowing Rock, NC 28605 United States

KARIN NEUVIRTH, Acrylic on Canvas



Karin recalls that, as a child, color could drastically affect her emotional state, and today color is, by far, the most dominant element in her compositions. Growing up on a farm in Minnesota’s cold, grey climate, Karin found solace in creating an oasis of bright colors inside of her home. Living in the North Carolina mountains, she is astounded by the natural beauty around every turn. She works primarily with a palette knife to create colorful, textural, impressionist paintings. Come explore Karin’s work from July 17 through July 23 at Edgewood Cottage in Blowing Rock.
