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Waitsel Smith at Artists in Residence

July 24 @ 10:00 am - July 30 @ 5:00 pm

Free Entry

Edgewood Cottage

115 Ginny Stevens Ln.
Blowing Rock, NC 28605 United States

WAITSEL SMITH, Watercolors, Oil


LinkedIn (Waitsel), Twitter (WaitselSmith), Instagram (ArtistWaitsel)

North Carolina artist Waitsel Smith is a visual artist living in Lenoir with over 30 years experience painting the people and places of North Carolina. Working in oil and watercolors, he is considered a master landscape, portrait and figure painter who has also done commissions in pastel, ink, charcoal, pencil and mixed media. Waitsel has enjoyed success as a commercial illustrator, including work for the Travel Channel and Discovery Channel. Come meet and enjoy Waitsel’s N.C. Wyeth style of painting at Edgewood Cottage from July 24 through July 30.
