Tourism in Blowing Rock

We welcome your inquiries about tourism in Blowing Rock and are happy to provide you with information, interviews, high resolution photographs, b-roll and contacts to help with your stories.

For more information, please contact Amanda Lugenbell, 828-295-4636 or


Tourism Facts & Figures

Tourism is a big industry in Watauga County, and Blowing Rock has a history of welcoming travelers!

  • Local taxes on visitor spending offset the costs of providing services to residents, resulting in tax savings for locals. Each Watauga County household saved an average of $649.11 in 2023.
  • Visitor Spending in Watauga County in 2023: $517, 510,000
  • $1,870,092 in occupancy taxes was collected in Blowing Rock in the most recent fiscal year, 2023-2024. That represents $31,168,200 in lodging sales alone.
  • Direct employment in tourism industry in Blowing Rock: 320. This is the number of people employed in lodging and attractions in Blowing Rock. Visitors also shop and dine and use some services, of course, so impacts are seen in those areas as well.
  • Number of hotel guest rooms in Blowing Rock: 550. This is the current count for rooms in Blowing Rock hotels, inns, and bed & breakfasts. There are many more represented in rental condos, cottages, and houses.

Blowing Rock Tourism Development Authority Annual Report

The Blowing Rock TDA fiscal year runs July to June. Blowing Rock TDA Annual Reports include tax collection numbers, activity summaries, noteworthy media moments, and more.

About the Blowing Rock TDA

The Blowing Rock Tourism Development Authority (TDA) is tasked with marketing the town of Blowing Rock as a travel destination. The organization and its activity is funded by a 6% Occupancy Tax levied on overnight stays within Blowing Rock in hotels, inns, and short-term rentals. The budget runs on a fiscal year of July-June.


Provide leadership and primary funding for marketing, developing, and supporting year-round travel and tourism to and within the town of Blowing Rock, increasing lodging sales and visitor spending.


Blowing Rock will be recognized as one of the premier travel destinations in the Southeastern USA.


The TDA is governed by a volunteer board of 5 members, appointed by Town Council. Regular board meetings are open to the public, and are held quarterly at Town Hall (3:30pm on the first Tuesday of March, June, September, and December). Dates are listed in the Blowing Rock Community Calendar, available at Town Hall and the TDA offices.


The staff consists of four full-time employees. The TDA also enjoys a strong partnership with the Blowing Rock Chamber of Commerce, and works closely with the staff there. The Blowing Rock TDA offices are located at 132 Park Avenue, inside the Chamber of Commerce building in downtown Blowing Rock.


NC Tourism Facts

Annual examination of the tourism industry in North Carolina is conducted by VisitNC, the state’s tourism marketing organization. Follow these links for details about travel to and within North Carolina:

Economic Impact of Tourism (available by county)
Fast Facts Summaries