Art in the Park is an Outdoor Gallery
Blowing Rock’s Art in the Park offers open-air gallery experiences for art-lovers, collectors, and craft enthusiasts each year. The six-show series, which is presented once a month from May through October, sets up downtown on Park Avenue. The show is adjacent to Main Street and central shops and restaurants in Blowing Rock, creating an enjoyable stroll-and-shop experience that always features fresh art. “Artists spent a lot of time this past year in the studio creating, and I am really excited to see their new work,” said Suzy Barker, Art in the Park Director. “We had a lot of new

Symphony by the Lake at Chetola: Return of a Summer Tradition
Released May 11, 2021 Symphony by the Lake returns to Chetola Resort for a centerpiece event of the summer on Friday, July 23rd. The theme, Music from Around the World, will be reflected in the musical selections as well as the décor of some of the 20 patron tents that line the lake. With COVID-19 considerations in mind, regular attendees will want to note that a few changes have been made to the event: Availability of tickets is limited, as the number of attendees will be reduced this year. Tickets are available in advance only. All tickets are Will

Birding in Blowing Rock
Blowing Rock is located on the Blue Ridge Parkway and bordered by the Pisgah National Forest, providing close proximity and easy access to a multitude of habitats. This area of the Blue Ridge Mountains provides a home for about 160 breeding species of birds, with over 250 species appearing with regularity during migrations. In fact, the High Country is one of the most diverse breedings and spring migration areas in the eastern United States, with large numbers of neo-tropical migrants and forest interior species. Several species, like the Canada Warbler, are at the southern-most end of their breeding range

6+ Ways To Cool Off This Summer In Blowing Rock
1.Waterfall HuntingGetting close to water is a great way to cool off, and few experiences are as exhilarating as getting close to a waterfall. Hikes vary from easy to strenuous, and a handful of area waterfalls even have a swimming hole. Blowing Rock has waterfalls right in town- just take the Glen Burney Trail. This shady hike follows the New Year Creek, offering views of the Glen Burney and Glen Marie Falls. When enjoying waterfalls, be sure to note posted signage on all local trails, and take care around steep spots. If you are curious to know more about

Peaks and Gorges
The Blowing Rock is a rock formation that juts out over the John’s River Gorge at about 4000 feet above sea level. The views of the gorge and the Pisgah Forest are immense and breathtaking. The Blowing Rock is so named because of the constant winds that flume up from the surrounding rocky walls. The rock itself is also unique, and is a visual testament to the formation process of the surrounding mountains. This particular rock is officially designated The Blowing Rock Gneiss by Geological Survey of The United States. Access to the Blue Ridge Parkway is just

Each year, spectators gather around the north end of Chetola Lake on the Saturday morning of WinterFest to watch this…

Confirmed for 2024. Join Blowing Rock Parks & Recreation for tons of FREE fun with an evening of spooky activities!…

Blowing Rock's Christmas in the Park & Lighting of the Town celebration is an annual holiday event that you are…

2024 4th of July ParadeSaturday July 6, 10:00 am Join the town of Blowing Rock for the best small-town Main…

Blowing Rock's Concert in the Park Series is an annual set of free outdoor concerts at the Rotary Gazebo in…

For four decades, we've been celebrating the opening of Trout Season with friendly competition and prizes! The Blowing Rock Trout…

The first concert of the series is held on July 7, 2025 and runs through July 28, 2025. The concerts…