Annual Festivals and Events

Blowing Rock is home to many beloved annual festivals and events including Blowing Rock WinterFest, Blowing Rock Art in the Park, Blowing Rock Charity Horse Show, 4th of July Festival and Parade, Trout Derby, Halloween Festival and Christmas in the Park. Join us for these and other fun events throughout the year.

Blowing Rock WinterFest

Blowing Rock WinterFest Polar Bear Plunge Event photo featuring women in duck costumes jumping in icy water

Don’t hibernate- celebrate! Join the whole town of Blowing Rock in our annual celebration of winter! Multiple days of family fun and cozy events each January.

Blowing Rock Art in the Park

Image of crafted jewelry: wrist cuffs and a brooch

A series of six shows are presented from May through October, featuring nearly 100 juried artisans at each event. Find hand-crafted jewelry, photography, & everything between.

Symphony by the Lake

Conductor in an elegant evening gown directs a symphony, with a large outdoor crowd seated behind her.

 The Symphony of the Mountains delights with a themed program presented under an open summer sky.  A fireworks finale caps off this highly anticipated July event.

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