“Kiss The Camel” Challenge Adds Intrigue to the Membership Drive
The WNC Oasis Shriners are bringing their Spring Ceremonial, induction of new members and parade to the town on Friday, June 1 and Saturday, June 2. The Shriners Parade will take place along Main Street starting at 2 p.m. on Saturday.
“We’re excited to have the Oasis Shriners back in Blowing Rock for another Ceremonial Weekend. Hundreds of Shriners and their families come to town and that has a very positive impact on our local economy. Besides, the parade and interactive festivities that the Shrine brings really makes for a fun weekend. We’re always happy to host the Shriners,” said Tracy Brown, Executive Director of the Blowing Rock TDA.
In an interesting side note, Oasis Potentate Sir Johnny Burgess has accepted a challenge from the Oasis Membership Team: If the Oasis adds 150 new members at the Ceremonial, Burgess will kiss a camel. The Oasis Divan, Joe Burris has adopted the acronym KTC for this daring initiative. More to follow, if…
The Saturday afternoon parade will include the Lady Shriners, the famous Shriners little cars, Oasis Clowns, Gator Patrol, Dune Cats and Scooter Patrol, along with the Oasis Band. Following the parade there will be “Fez-tivities” in Memorial Park, including miniature Shriner cars and trucks on display, music and clowns.
Headquartered in Charlotte, the Oasis Shrine represents the 50 western counties of North Carolina. With approximately 5,600 members, Oasis is the largest Shrine organization in the world. For more information on the Oasis Shriners, visit oasisshriners.org. Information on the Shriners Hospitals for Children can be found at shrinershospitalsforchildren.org.