

Speckled Trout Outfitters 916 Main St. Suite 100, Blowing Rock, NC, United States +1 more


55+ Harper Creek Day Hike with Speckled Trout Outfitters

Speckled Trout Outfitters 916 Main St. Suite 100, Blowing Rock, NC, United States

Just because you are 55+ doesn’t mean you can’t adventure into the wilderness with your peers!  Join Ryan, an EMT and active search and rescue member, on this 4-5 hour adventure in Harper Creek Wilderness to see one of the best waterfalls in Western North Carolina, explore an old homesite, and enjoy a delicious picnic lunch provided by The Speckled Trout Restaurant. 


Wilderness Safety Pint Night at Speckled Trout Outfitters

Speckled Trout Outfitters 916 Main St. Suite 100, Blowing Rock, NC, United States

Join Ryan, an active member of the NC Mountain Search and Rescue Team, EMT, and an outdoorsman with thousands of miles on the trail, river, bike, and boat, to learn smart and safe outdoor recreation for an evening learning about smart preparation for backcountry recreation.


Fire Skills Pint Night at The Speckled Trout Outfitters

Speckled Trout Outfitters 916 Main St. Suite 100, Blowing Rock, NC, United States

Learn how to make a friction fire by bowdrilling, how to make your own bowdrill set, and hone your fire tending skills with hiking guide, Becca. Free event, no registration. 

Free Entry

Fly Tying Night at the Speckled Trout Outfitters

Speckled Trout Outfitters 916 Main St. Suite 100, Blowing Rock, NC, United States

Head on over to the Speckled Trout Outfitters for a night of tying your own flys! The $25 entry fee covers materials, tools, one drink, and a $25 gift card! 


Linville Gorge Loop Backpacking with Speckled Trout Outfitters

Speckled Trout Outfitters 916 Main St. Suite 100, Blowing Rock, NC, United States

The Speckled Trout Outfitters will be taking backpackers who want to start the season off with a challenge to the Linville Gorge Wilderness to backpack the “Is That All You Got?!” Loop.


Tanawha Trail Thru-Hike with Speckled Trout Outfitters

Speckled Trout Outfitters 916 Main St. Suite 100, Blowing Rock, NC, United States

Experience the Tanawha Trail through a guided hike. Speckled Trout Outifitters is offering the opportunity to hike this trail with an experienced guide


Corn Hole Tournament at Speckled Trout Outfitters

Speckled Trout Outfitters 916 Main St. Suite 100, Blowing Rock, NC, United States

Head over to the Speckled Trout Outfitters with your team and flex your corn hole muscles. Entry is $40 per team and all proceeds go to the Mayfly Project. The tournament will be from 12-5pm. There will be beer, music, prizes, and discounts!
