The Blowing Rock Charity Horse Show has been nominated for the National ShowHunter Hall of Fame. The show has been selected as one of the top ten shows in the country for 2021. Inaddition, the show’s featured event, The Blowing Rock Hunter Derby, has been named among...
The Art of the Village In addition to numerous galleries and the first-class Blowing Rock Art & History Museum, Blowing Rock is home to a growing collection of art that can be enjoyed by strolling through town. Some of these are part of a public collection, but...
Elevate Your Shopping in Blowing Rock Blowing Rock is a shopping destination for those with excellent taste. Whether you are interested in boutique apparel, brands like Louis Vuitton and vintage Chanel, one-of-a-kind antiques, silver-smithed jewelry, oriental rugs or...
The mountains around Blowing Rock are the perfect muse for the creation of art, and our village embraces and celebrates the amazing artwork we are privileged to exhibit. Museums & Public Art Blowing Rock Art & History Museum (BRAHM) BRAHM may be located inside...
Creativity at Work Blowing Rock has a history of attracting creative people who draw inspiration from the natural splendor of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Painter Elliott Daingerfield summered in Blowing Rock, and taught painting classes to ladies (quite progressive for...
Blowing Rock has long been a culinary destination with restaurants boasting extensive wine lists and shops with unique, hard-to-find wines. It’s the natural marriage of fine wine and creative cuisine, set against the backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Please check...